Face Recognition

Single-use face recognition is suitable for comparing and verifying the face with the document image.

Key Benefits of Using Face Recognition

Document Image Verification

Face recognition technology offers a robust security measure by authenticating individuals based on their distinct facial characteristics. ScanDoc’s face recognition can be applied to cross-reference and verify images from IDs and passports with real-time facial recognition, adding an extra layer of identity validation and enhancing security measures further.

Fraud Prevention and Security

ScanDoc helps prevent identity fraud and impersonation attempts. By comparing the facial features of individuals with stored templates or databases, face recognition can identify discrepancies and detect fraudulent activities. This is particularly useful in financial institutions, border control, and law enforcement scenarios.

Non-Intrusive and User-Friendly

Using the ScanDoc individuals simply need to look at the screen for a brief moment, making the process intuitive and non-disruptive. This ease of use makes it suitable for a wide range of users, including those with limited technical knowledge or physical abilities.
