Simplify Your Reception Check-In Experience with ScanDoc

Step into a new era of efficiency and guest satisfaction with ScanDoc solutions. Elevate your check-in processes and focus on delivering an exceptional customer experience right at your reception.

Complete Check-in in Less Than Two Second

Speed-up Reception Check-In 

Prioritize simplicity in your reception check-in process by utilizing ScanDoc’s document scan. Transform the traditional paperwork-heavy check-in into a user-friendly, hassle-free experience for both guests and staff. No more waiting in long queues — ScanDoc ensures a swift and efficient start to your guests’ stay. 


  • OCR and MRZ Data Extraction
  • Supports over 1,000 Documents
  • Data Validation
hotel check in ScanDoc

Utilize any Type of Device

ScanDoc is a flexible AI scanning solution that allows you to utilize any type of device, such as mobile phones, tablets, Wi-Fi scanners, desktop cameras, and more. Regardless of your device, ScanDoc will extract all information needed from the document and transfer it into the guest profile within PMS. You will also keep the image of the document within the guest profile. 

  • Utilize Any Device
  • Simple PMS Integration


check-in data extraction

Ensure Reception Security at Every Step

Security is paramount, particularly when handling sensitive guest information at the reception. ScanDoc employs advanced encryption and secure data handling practices, complying with industry standards to guarantee the utmost protection for your guests and your business. Rest easy, knowing that ScanDoc prioritizes the security of your reception data.

  • Data Encryption
  • Option to Host On-Prem
reception check-in

Seamless Integration with Existing Systems

Worried about transitioning to a new system at your reception? Fear not—ScanDoc seamlessly integrates with your existing reception systems. Whether you use property management software or other hospitality solutions, our flexible integration options ensure a smooth implementation process with minimal disruptions to your reception operations.

  • Open APIs
  • Simple Integration with Existing Systems

open APIs hotel check in software

Why ScanDoc for Reception Check-In?


Speed up the check-in process and reduce wait times for your guests.



Trust in our robust security features to protect sensitive guest data.



Enjoy the flexibility of customization and integration with your current systems.


Modern Guest Experience:

Meet the expectations of today’s tech-savvy travelers with a mobile-friendly solution. 

Get Started with ScanDoc Today!

Ready to transform your accommodation check-in experience? Schedule a demo now and discover how ScanDoc can enhance your operations, elevate guest satisfaction, and position your business at the forefront of the hospitality industry. Embrace document scanning with ScanDoc—where efficiency meets excellence.